What to do when Roku stick stops working?

Roku spilling gadgets, including TV, stick, and box, are a passage to appreciate web channels. Now and again the Roku stick may not function admirably or may not react by any means. It gets fundamental on occasion to investigate the gadget with further developed activities to get it back throughout everyday life. There comes a circumstance when you may feel Roku stick is connected to your T.V however isn't working. The primary thing to attempt is, obviously, restart both the T.V and the Roku stick. In the event that it doesn't resolve the issue, at that point you should attempt some additionally investigating advances. Keep perusing to recognize what would you be able to do to fix the Roku stick not working issues. Solution1: Check for Power Status There are chances that you have associated your Roku stick however haven't checked the force supply status. As such, any issue with the force supply or association can bring about this circumstance. To investigate...